Wednesday, 25 April 2007

This is madness!

300: Film Review
The 'Man' Movie of the New Millennium

There is a long list of movies to be watched with your mates whilst eating a large meat feast pizza , screaming every famous line in the movie. To add to a list that includes “I’ll be back” and “You talking to me?” comes a few new famous lines, such as “Tonight, we dine in hell”. After watching 300, you will certainly get the urge to reply “Madness? THIS IS SPARTA!” when someone next says “This is madness!” to you. Although you might best be advised not to follow up with a kick to the chest as they fall into a bottomless pit. Too much? Sorry, this movie has got to me...

(Read the rest of this review by clicking on the comments section below.)

Kevin L (yr12)

Saturday, 21 April 2007

Hollywood Studio system.

"Any understanding of Hollywood at the turn of the millenium requires some knowledge of the studio system which dominated cultural production between the 1920s and late 1940s" says Nick lacey at KATPAD. You can read more by clicking on the title 'Hollywood Studio system'.

Monday, 2 April 2007


Withnail and I review –

This review may be a little biased as this is my all-time favourite film, but hopefully after reading this you will be encouraged to see it and maybe you’ll also enjoy it. Withnail and I was made in 1983 and stars Richard E Grant and Paul McGann. They play two failed actors trying to make it in London in the sixties, who 'accidentally' go on holiday to the countryside. That’s the plot! This absence of a more complicated plotline may mean some of you might think this film is going to be boring or a bit hard to watch . However if you concentrate on it, it is really a very funny film and even heart-wrenchingly sad towards the end.

Richard E Grant shines in his best role (forget about the spice girls movie people!) and gives a touch of ‘elegance’ to the permanently drugged up and drunk Withnail, while Paul McGann is equally brilliant, giving an excellent portrayal of a very anxious and agitated ‘I’. Richard Griffiths also plays a great part in the film, but does not match the brilliance of the two lead roles. Withnail and I is one of those films that you either love or hate. I love this film, and I am asking you to go and watch it and make up your own mind about it.

(click on the title above for more IMDB info)

Emma H -YR 12